Contact Us
Phone: 250-567-9335
Address: 3400 Voth Rd,
Vanderhoof BC, V0J 3A2
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Frequently Asked Questions
Northside offers Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Parents contact the school office for information and office staff will arrange a family tour when school is in operation. If parents are interested in enrollment following their tour, they contact the school for a formal interview with both parents and principal. Following the interview conversation, parents may apply for enrollment. If the Northside Admissions Team feels we have the resources to serve the family, acceptance follows.
Northside Christian School is for families where parents are daily training their children to love God and who want to enroll their students in a small Christian school. Students in Grade 7 and above should desire attendance at Northside. Northside Christian School is one of the many good schools in Vanderhoof and isn’t designed to recruit students from other schools or accept students whose needs would be better served by the resources available in another local school.
Yes, even during the current teacher shortage, Northside teachers are certified by the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care. When certified teachers are not available, Northside administration works through the process of receiving short term certification through the MECC and provides mentoring for qualified individuals who apply to teach and do not yet have a teaching certificate.
Each year tuition is evaluated and is usually raised at the current inflation rate. Please contact the office for more information.
Contact the Northside Christian School office for information regarding our Student Tuition Fund. Funds are directed to families who need tuition assistance.
Northside Christian School is a ministry of the Northside Church, and is operated by Northside Church Society.
Each year we raise funds for specific events. In the fall of 2023, the Northside school community will be raising funds for Northside Athletic Teams.
Northside Christian School began September 1977 in the current Grade 1 classroom. The building was enlarged once in the late 70’s and again in the 80’s with the gymnasium addition.
Northside Christian School is a member of BC School Sports. Teams are offered according to student interest and numbers. Last year several Northside NorthStars teams won Zone Championships and participated in Provincial Finals. Northside Athletics is an important facet of our school. How do our active students pay for athletic costs? Personal savings of course; and fundraisers like baking pies, pizzas, cinnamon buns (yum!) and work projects help them achieve their goals.
Northside Christian School is a Group 1 Independent School in BC operating under the Independent School Act. Provincial curriculum and assessment are part of the Grad Program resulting in BC Dogwood or BC Evergreen Diplomas. As an Independent School, Northside undergoes regular, rigorous inspections of curriculum and assessment, records, policies, personnel, facilities, and more by the MECC.